
Hearing begins for Maui man accused of being spy

Court Silences CIA Operative Despite Yellowcake Scandal

Spy scandal strains diplomatic ties

US scientist charged with spying

Defense Department Official Convicted in Espionage Case

Secret Ops, Domestic Spying OK — As Long As Someone's Watching the Watchmen

Official who lost notebook with spy agency details won't be sacked

How Team of Geeks Cracked Spy Trade

Formerly-'Gagged' FBI Whistleblower Details Congressional Blackmail, Bribery, Espionage, Corruption

CIA Probe Reignites a Partisan Battle Over Spy Agency's Activities

Former Boeing engineer convicted of spying for China

Israeli spy memorial hides more than it reveals

Chinese Spying Claimed in Purchases of NSA Crypto Gear

Defense in spy case: Engineer gave public documents to Chinese

Pentagon Official Charged With Spying For China

Defendant Sentenced in Conspiracy to Export Military Aircraft Parts to Iran

MI5 advertises in the Times Educational Supplement for recruits

Ex-Pentagon official indicted in China spy case

Finally, spy who triggered Cold War identified

Mossad Reappearing Ink Pen