Spymaster sees Israel as world cyberwar leader December 15, 2009 bug sweep bugged counter surveillance specialist counterespionage cybersecurity cyberwarfare electronic eavesdropping hackers Mossad pro-israel secret agent spy watch tempest tscm +
Lebanon sentences 4 Israeli spies to death November 12, 2009 bug sweep bugged bugging counter surveillance specialist electronic eavesdropping hizballah Mossad pro-israel spy watch spying tscm +
Former spy shot dead near Putin's Moscow office November 03, 2009 bug bug sweep counter surveillance specialist criminal espionage KGB Mossad pro-israel secret agent spy spy watch tscm +
Israel denies report of Russian 'espionage' crisis October 03, 2009 bug sweep electronic eavesdropping espionage KGB Mossad pro-israel spy spy watch tscm +
Russian secret service helped Hizballah bust Israel's Lebanese spy rings August 07, 2009 bug bug sweep counter surveillance specialist counterespionage FSB hizballah Mossad pro-israel secret agent shinbet spies spy spy watch tscm +
Another Israeli spy arrested in Lebanon July 21, 2009 bug bug sweep bugging espionage Mossad police pro-israel Shin Bet shinbet spy spy watch tscm +
Ex-PM's bureau chief suspected of illegal wiretapping July 14, 2009 bug bug sweep bugged bugging counter surveillance specialist electronic eavesdropping listening devices Mossad privacy pro-israel spies spy spy watch spying surveillance tscm +
Israeli spy memorial hides more than it reveals July 14, 2009 bug bug sweep bugged counter surveillance specialist espionage Mossad pro-israel secret agent Shin Bet spy spy watch spying top secret tscm +
Wary of naked force, Israelis eye cyberwar on Iran July 07, 2009 bug bug sweep counter surveillance specialist cybersecurity cyberspying cyberwarfare hack hackers iran it security Mossad pro-israel sabotage secret shinbet spy spy watch spying tscm +
Israeli spying sisters arrested in Lebanon June 12, 2009 bug bug sweep bugged bugging electronic eavesdropping harassment hizballah Mossad pro-israel security Shin Bet spy spy watch spying tscm +
Man, 85, Avoids Jail Time for Giving Military Secrets May 30, 2009 bug bug sweep bugged counterintelligence covert electronic eavesdropping espionage pro-israel spies spy spy watch top secret tscm +
Lebanon spy cases highlight Mideast espionage May 22, 2009 bug sweep bugged covert electronic eavesdropping espionage hizballah Mossad pro-israel secret Shin Bet spy watch terrorism tscm wiretap +
Espionage Charges Dropped Against Two Pro-Israel Lobbyists May 02, 2009 bug sweep classified information doj espionage police pro-israel secret spies spy spy watch top secret tscm +