
Woman takes charge of major intelligence agency for the first time

Appeals Court Rules Against Secret Police GPS Tracking

Stalkers Exploit Cellphone GPS

OC cop charged with hiding GPS in woman's car

Bank Thieves Foiled by GPS-Spiked Cash

Spying on Icebergs Instead of Terrorists?

Is your cell phone spying on you?

ICE performs undercover operations with help from satellite tracking devices

iPhone thieves collared by Jobsian GPS

Will Biometric Passports Lead to a State of Constant Surveillance?

Your Palm Pre May be Spying on You

A GPS Chip Made to Sip Power, Not Guzzle

Chip maker supports Pennsylvania bill to ban forced implantation

Growing Presence in the Courtroom: Cellphone Data as Witness

New service enables total control of factory workers

Agent wanted to bug LaCoste vehicles

RFID could be in all cell phones by 2010

RFID to Protect Intellectual Property

When employers become watchers

GPS Receiver + Location Finder