5 steps to medical device cybersecurity

Protecting medical devices from malware and viruses means practicing good cybersecurity "hygiene," Microsoft's U.K. chief security advisor says.

Cybersecurity is a fairly new idea for many medical device makers, but the industry can learn from technologies that came before in developing means of protecting devices from malware, viruses and other threats.

Microsoft's U.K. chief security advisory Stuart Aston took to the company's blog to address the growing concern, offering steps to consider when developing a security strategy for medical devices, including realigning priorities to bump cybersecurity in the top tier and shelling out for updated software when possible.

Aston called for device makers to consider some basic information security "hygiene," building on lessons learned from similar embedded technologies that have had to navigate the increasingly turbulent and interconnected digital world.

More Here: http://www.mdtmag.com/news/2012/10/5-steps-medical-device-cybersecurity-microsofts-uk-security-chief


Unknown said…
Aston took to the company's blog to address the growing concern, offering steps to consider when developing a security strategy for medical devices,