FBI Agent's Laptop 'Hacked' To Grab 12 Million Apple IDs

UPDATE Sept. 4, 17:50 GMT: Anonymous / Antisec supporters have posted a sample of 100 Apple mobile device identifiers from the breach, in plain text, viewable here. The data is in four columns 1) the Apple device unique device identifier 2) the Apple Push Notification Service DevToken 3) the device name 4) the device type. They say it lists the top 50 and bottom 50 UDIDs in the dataset. One source from Anonymous says supporters are currently working on uploading the full, unencrypted dataset of 1 million UDIDs to the web, as well as a searchable database. 

Three years ago special agent Christopher Stangl appeared in a video calling on people with computer science degrees to join the Federal Bureau of Investigation, saying they were needed “more than ever.” Last night, hackers with subversive online networks Anonymous and Antisec answered that call with nothing short of irreverence: they published what they claimed were more than 1 million unique device identifier numbers, (UDID) for Apple devices, stolen from Stangl’s own laptop.
In total, the hackers say they were able to steal more than 12 million of these strings of numbers and letters, but, “we decided a million would be enough to release.” They announced the hack through the widely-watched Twitter feed, @AnonymousIRC last night.
More here:http://www.forbes.com/sites/parmyolson/2012/09/04/fbi-agents-laptop-hacked-to-grab-12-million-apple-ids-anonymous-claims/


Logomatten said…
It's very anxious news for us that even FBI's laptop can be hacked!