Corporate cybercrime tops boardroom agenda

High profile corporate cybercrime is putting information security on boardroom agendas around the world, a global survey revealed on Wednesday.

The need for increased measures to protect against corporate espionage and network hacking, the accidental or deliberate leaking of corporate data, and the loss or theft of company laptops, has never been so high, company bosses told the British Standards Institution (BSI), the leading business service for the development of standards, in a survey.

According to the research, which analyses responses from 645 businesses, risk of corporate data leaks is a key concern. Two thirds (64%) of the surveyed businesses that have implemented ISO 27001 (an information security management system) cited this as the most important driving force behind adopting the information security standard.

In addition to risk, the BSI research also shows that 72% of businesses are worried about the financial damage of cybercrime.

